Monday, January 18, 2010

First Annual Family Reunion

This is Jolene -

I tossed around the idea of having a small reunion in June/Julyish at the Rancho Simi Park. It isn't the most convenient spot as far as travel. But I think it's a very appropriate spot to start our reunions.

They have pavilions we could rent and a pool that can be rented.

The date needs to be discussed. I understand this might be tough for those in Utah to attend. To make it easier IF some would like to make it, we should probably plan it when school is out.

June 5th
June 12th
June 19th
June 26th

July 10th
July 17th
July 24th
July 31st

August 7th
August 14th

So lets start crossing off dates and see if we can find one suitable for everyone. (see poll on side bar)

**PLEASE NOTE*** I had to replace the poll on the sidebar to add the dates.